Friday, March 18, 2011


It has been one of those long weeks.(I'll get back to this...))

I find that once Christmas break ends teachers, and by teachers I mean Emily, begin counting down the days 'til the school year ends. Then by about, oh, say the beginning of February they count days and hours. Now the teachers(again, Emily) are counting the minutes, seconds even.
It is painful to watch and entertaining at the same time.

I don't know that I can share any stories here. I'm pretty sure that doing so would break some kind of unspoken code. Somehow not related to ethics.

The weeks go on and they go on. Daylight savings time came around, made us hop ahead one hour, and gave us the good old "take that, you suck" trick. That's how it feels. Hurts initially but, we recover. Spring will come. Oh, thanks heavens it's not so cold. Oh, good a month of rain. Finally, a nice calm sunny day. What? 104 degrees for the next 4 months? What did I do wrong?
Well, daylight savings told you that you suck.

I am definitely in school right now. It is challenging and like anything else I want/ need to do well in I obsess over it. Math. I have never liked it. I never applied myself. Now, I want to destroy it. I want an A so bad it's pretty ridiculous. I want nothing more than to play with the ProTools rid my beautiful wife got me for my birthday. But, I'm afraid. At some point it may distract me from studying the substitution method. So it stays boxed up.
So far on my exams I have a 92% and a 100%. Perfect attendance and the teacher thinks I'm OK.
I don't mind.

I'm riding consistently and nothing could be better. I picked up new tires today and it is as exciting as getting a new guitar pedal. Just more affordable.
Rain is now a piece of cake since I was annihilated in last Thursdays rain storm.
I love riding to work, to class, etc.
I get to ride in tomorrow and find out what I got on my Intro to Music Theory Mid Term. Hopefully and A. Probably a C.

Phewww... what a week.

Monday, January 10, 2011


It was a productive weekend. I got lots accomplished on our staircase. It's just steps away from being done! Pun intended.
We hosted a delightful dinner with friends, Josh, Daniel, and Mary Jo Saturday night. Roasted chicken, garlic and herb mashed potatoes, a side of tomato and green beans, as well as salad. All so good. Em knows how to make a meal!
Had to laugh when I called MJ "hun" She is a sweet woman and joyfully pregnant. We are friends but, never shared any deep, dark secrets! Still, there is a sister like quality to her. I enjoy that.

Friday we hoped to have a relaxing night in. Taking.It.Easy. This was not to be as we had to take Smokey to the ER. He was being very lethargic, not eating, just not being himself at all! Then when you talk to a vet and they say "Get him to the ER in the next 24 hours or he may die." You have no choice.
People will pay LOTS of money for surgery, medicine, etc. for animals. I don't think it's reasonable but, I get it. They wanted to put Smoo in over night and the potential of surgery would have left us with a $5,000 bill. Not happening.

On the drive home Em was back and forth between tears. She was so scared for him. She said. "Wait until I'm a mother. I'll be nuts!" Probably. But, she will be the best kind of nut for sure. Her love and desire to care for is so genuine.
I stayed level headed during the vet visit, not wanting to be emotional. On the way home I realized, wow! I was so relieved that Smokey was OK. How if something was really wrong with him I'd have been pretty torn up. Further more, it's the fact that Em is so affected by it that it gets to me.
Ultimately it was an expensive trip that was not necessary.
We get home and runs to the kitchen, eats some food and is back to normal.
Little bastard!